Saturday, July 6, 2013

2013 April May and June report about football, orphanage, school, church planting

My Dear Friend Brother
 Bible Distribution in Nepal
I bring you the ministry report of April, May and June. I want to, from the tips of my boot to the top of my hat, say thank you for your prayers, emails and financial contribution which has greatly helped me to expand the work of the Lord in Nepal.

Bible Distribution in football game in Bhojpur
We go around Nepal and distribute Bibles and tracts and this time it was in Bhojpur. Road was tough and dangerous. Just as we reached the town we planned to distribute gospel tracts and Bibles. So we found couple of believers who were happy to meet us and prayed for us. They distributed Bibles and tracts while we played the game. I want to say thank you to some beautiful people who donated us the Bibles. Gospel is being preached around Nepal, and it is fun to do with the sport.

Football training and sharing the gospel
Church Boys KathmanduThere were also other event where we share the gospel with others. This time it was in football training. There were around 35 players everyday in the football pitch where we mention them the importance of prayer, being truthful, spirit of good sportsmanship and knowing Christ. We used our Logo and its meaning and share the gospel with them. Our name of the team is Church Boys United, it is the only Christian club in Nepal which can play with any club in Nepal.

Church Boys Kathmandu in C qualifying round

Church Boys United Kathmandu participated in National 'C' qualification round that was held in Kathmandu. We lost in the very first match and was all disappointed. Some time you prepare well and the result is not in your favor, this reminds us of hard labor. We carry Philippians 4 : 13 in the sporting field, which says, I can do all things through Christ Jesus who gives me strength. We want to become the first division team in Nepal. Thanks to all the players who labor very hard for the Church team.

School in Dungdunge come to reality
After long process, practice and persuasion, we were finally able to start the school in Dungdunge in Nepal. We have 35 students and three teacher and almost no facility except the rooms where the students sit and learn. We want to thank all our supporters for helping us in the process of starting the school. Poor children of Dungdunge needs your help. They want to go to school and learn and be educated. School Children in Dungdunge
As you can see by the photos that a toilet is needed which cost 700 dollar, building of kitchen cost 1200 dollar and expansion of two more rooms cost 3000 dollar.

Church Building in Gelu in Ramechap
In some parts of Nepal, Church building is necessary because of caste system. There are untouchable, Dalit, Brahmins which they say is high caste like the Jews and Samaritans in Jesus' time. For new comer in the Church, he feels uncomfortable to stay with the community. People still say that Christianity is foreign Religion, and its coming here to destroy their culture. High caste people do not go to the low caste people's house and low caste people do not deal with high caste people. In this situation a common place for worship is needed. That is what we are doing in Gelu in Ramechap, so that who ever is coming to Church will not get offend.

Orphanage Building on progress
A great progress has been made in building of the orphanage in Urlabari in village. But we still need money to continue to work. Ground floor and first floor has been laid and when windows and doors are complete in this summer, prayer hall, kitchen and dining hall will be ready in ground floor and 6 rooms will be ready in the first floor as well as more work in the second floor.
For complete and updated images of the orphanage you can go here.

I want to use a verse to say thank you to you. And Naomi said to her two daughters in-law, 'Go, return each of you to her mother's house, May the Lord deal kindly with you as have dealt with the dead and with me.' I thank my God always concerning you, for the grace of God which was given you in Christ Jesus. Being remembered in such a nice way means a lot more then what a 'thank you' can say.

Church Boys Kathmandu lifts the trophy

Church Boys Kathmandu lifted the trophy in Adarsha Gold Cup in Jhapa in June, with cash prize, trophy, medals and certificates. People in Nepal are beginning to hear the Church Boys and why we play. We have many fans and people love Church Boys and speaks about us. Some people may not like the sport but we are using sport to communicate the gospel. Everywhere we play we give away Bibles and tracts.

Many have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior through this sports ministry. We need your prayer for this ministry and sports materials. You can see more in

As I go for now, I want to leave some points to remember them in your prayer.

1. Meeting, please pray for our sub annual meeting of pastors and leaders in Ramechap in August. That God will give us wisdom to serve Him and His people.

2. Bible College, please pray for the Bible College in September/October that God will supply us the fund needed for the food, materials, lodging, T-shirts and others.

3. Orphanage, please pray for the fund to come in for the building of the orphanage. We need 6000 $$ for the month of July and August. Fund are needed for Windows and Doors, Furniture and Heating system, water purification system, and Kitchenware. We also need humble and God fearing staffs and volunteers.
4. School, we are looking for Christian social organization or Church who might help us extend the school for poor children in Dungudnge in east Nepal. We need volunteer teacher, volunteer workers and school supplies.

Thank you to all who donated Bibles. We really appreciate you for your time and labor in encouraging others to donate Bibles for Nepal. We have been giving away Bibles to needy Pastors, believers and to mainly Bible College students. Please send more, you can send to Rita Rai, GPO 2623, Kathmandu, Nepal.

It is wonderful to serve God and His people together with you. Thank you for your encouraging emails and prayer. Together we do a great work for our God.

Your brother and partner in Nepal
Reuben Rai
Kathmandu Nepal

Photo Album used in this report

Dungdunge School

Church Boys United KathmanduChurch Boys Kathmandu

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