Thursday, January 3, 2013

2012 Oct/Nov/Dec Ministry Report

My Dear Beloved Friend and Partner

Love and greeting to you from Nepal with ministry report of October November and December 2012. I send you update of Sports ministry, Bible distribution, Orphanage, Children camp, Students program, annual conference and village reports. In all these, your prayer and support played crucial part in every second. Without your prayer and support we would not have come to this far in 2012.
Football Tournament participation and Bible Distribution

People requesting gospel tracts
We had very good impact on the people because we played well and we distributed Bibles and gospel tracts in football games in Kakadvitta and in Biratnagar. Bibles were wrapped with the gift paper. Bibles worth 700 dollar were distributed to people who asked. Our players gave away Bibles to other players each time they played. We played 5 matches and it was huge crowd. Here is a link for the Bible distribution in the football tournament.

Orphanage Building
Orphanage Nepal Orphanage work slowly on progress but this orphanage needs your help. It is a long time vision for me to keep orphans in the house and raise them before God. My only hope is in God and secondly to you and friends. We pray to God to provide us 7000 US dollar for the first Six month in 2013 so that we can start taking the orphans to the homes. This will go toward the construction of the house. Click HERE for more photos.

Visiting Churches

During my stay in village I was able to visit several of our Churches and shared the gospel and encourage the leader for the work of ministry. Many of our leaders are in need of financial support for their family and ministry. I met disciples of our lord Jesus Christ in Ilam, Domukha, Kerkha, Inaruwa, Biratnagar and other places. Churches are thrilling and moving very fast and many people are coming to the Lord. Some disciples really need our consideration towards the clothing they were because they don't have sufficient cloths to cover up winter, less nutritious food, bed they sleep do not give much comfort. But their zeal for the lord is encouraging. Despite family persecution and problems, believers in Nepal are still committed to the Lord. Click HERE for the village ministry photos.

Children Camp

We had a wonderful and blessed children camp with 97 kids in Kathmandu. They sang, danced, made drawings, ate food together, answered the Bibles questions, and they were very happy. Children of our Christian communities are very important because they are the ones who would defend our faith tomorrow. Proverbs 22 : 6 Says, 'The Bible says train a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not turn from it.' Click HERE for Children Camp photos

Students Conference

We had 1st Open students conference in Kathmandu and many of them were very happy to be there. Most of the teenagers were never in this type of conference. They said they really learn so many things in this part and were spiritually uplifted. There were more than 75 students in the conference. It was time of worship, powerful message, student's presentations, dance, songs, and prayers, ministering, and getting to know each other. We are glad to host this program. Click HERE for Students program photos.

Pastor Ordination

In December we anointed and ordain Khamba Sing Rai, from Mukti Church, Kerkha, Jhapa, Padam Bahadur Parali Rai from Jiwan Jyoti Church in Dasami in Panchther and Pratap Praja from Apostolic Church in Hetauda to a Pastoral ministry under the Churches Network Nepal. We have proved their calling, their character, and power and according to the situation and need of the local church ministry, in front of the delegated authority and witness of elderly Pastors, we recognize them as Pastor in their Churches. So we want you to please remember to pray for these three new Pastors in the ministry.

Annual Conference

We had wonderful ministry report from the Churches in our 6th Annual Conference which was held in Kathmandu. I personally am very glad to see how God is working in our midst in Nepal. We hear the report of the finances, new souls, Church growth, and need for fund for the Pastors and Evangelists which are working in the front line in ministry.

Ramechap visits

I and some of my ministry leaders headed toward Ramechap in December which is east of Kathmandu and can reach there after traveling 8 hours in humping bumping road through the dangerous cliffs. There is no space for other bus to cross by because road is very small. If they have to give way for other they have to return back to some space and let pass other vehicle. Every moment life is in danger.

We witness the work of God in Gelu where our brother Pradip Rai (Ramechap) is leading the flock of God. There is Kedar who was raised back to life after death from more than 48 hours and Asmita who was demon possessed and was set free by the prayers of the believers who knew nothing about what is written in the Scripture. Because of their life and testimony, 9 other people accepted Jesus Christ as their personal and savior and were baptized in water, there. We have decided to plant a Church in this place because untouchable and Dalit can't come to other people's house. Untouchable system is still in force in village and we have to be very careful in maintaining relationship with Jesus and the World. You can see more of the PHOTOS here. The crowd that came to see the drama 'Life and Satan' was enormous. Hundreds of Children were gather there to see the songs, drama, action song, messages. Suntali Budhathoki gave her heart touching testimony of how she was beaten by villagers accusing her of a witch, how she was taken to police custody just because she became follower of Jesus. She is 68 and still walking very fast and healthy. Her report will be soon publishing in Radio and Christian newspaper soon for the encouragement to other believers who suffer like her in their Christian walk.
We went to Phulasi which they said is only one hour walking but to us it took four hours to reach there. It was top of the mountain and the cold really heat has hard. Water was running out of our Noses but we could see the Mount Everest from there. Be careful when you walk in the steps. These are the Cliff track that animal don't tread because path is dangerous. Don't drop anything; there is no chance of finding them. And disciples in this places walk 7 hours to get to the nearest Church gathering for the worship and they are happy. Sometime 5 minute walking is too long for us, how about theirs 7 hours?

After walking seven hours we reached a town called Manthali. We were waiting for the bus and decided to take snacks because we were hungry. We order meat eggs rice, finger chips, and water. We were eating and the bus, horned, Pop Pooop. We paid the bill and left the food. By the time we reach guest house we were more sick, our hairs were gray by the dust of the road in the bus, exhausted and tired. And the disciples there began to come and talk to us. We put blanket in, to take rest and they said we need to go for prayer for the sick. We went. In this Church there is a conflict, two church, two service and two offerings. Distrust upon the Pastor and matter of immoral relationship. They accuse each other. For this reason we were here so that we could unite and fix it. Next day we encouraged, share our love, rebuked and build up. They were again united and we had Lord Supper after 20 month. I miss Christmas time with my family. But I am glad this was wonderful Christmas experience. Back at home, Children were unhappy because I am always out of home in special season. Kids shouted Daddy doesn't buy us Jacket now it's very cold. I forget last time I bought coat for them was two years ago. I said each of you will get two piece of warm cloth in New Year, and all smile. Thank you for following my report.

Updates from the leaders
Bigyan Shrestha and Door to door gospel program Link 1, Link 2. It is the same link.
I wish you the best in 2013 and promise that I would be more responsible towards my calling in ministry and I will spend more time praying for you, for your family and for your ministry. I and my leaders need your prayer for strength to overcome the temptation and every kind of persecution in Nepal. Thank you so much for your emails, prayers and support in 2012. Thank you for your faithful support. You have been a great source of encouragement to all of us in ministries in Nepal.

Pastor Reuben Rai and 40 other Church leaders
Kathmandu Nepal

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