My Dear Friend 
Love and greeting to you, and to your loved ones, in the most precious name of our Lord savior Jesus Christ. I really wanted to compose ministry reports to send to you but I enjoyed spending more time serving God and His people. I am here to share what happen in past couple of months. I pray that this report will be a blessing to you as you read.
Sana Tara Community School

Dungdunge School which they call now, Sana Tara (Small Star) Community School is running with more than 30 kids. We had a long time desire to have a school for poor children in Dungdunge and finally there is a building and three teachers. There are some few friends who stood behind us and encouraged us to have a school and we shared the need of the School with them, they help us carry the stones, sands, wood, cement and brick and other school supplies and other just supported us by donation and by providing the clothes. I say that this is a love in action. Love thy neighbor as thau love thyself.
We need volunteering teams to come and help us work in this school. They can come for one week, two or for a month. Some school photos can be found in you can have a look.
Orphanage in Urlabari
Some time work is slow and don't come to your expectation. Sometime, lack of sufficient fund, workers holidays and not finding item on right time causes work to slow. But orphanage has come to a shape and we are happy and we want to bring orphans. They
just waiting for the house to complete so that they would come in. No
one is living in orphanage right at the moment because house is not
complete yet, but orphans are waiting to come in. So please help us. No
amount is too small to receive. We are very excited, soon we will have
kids around us folding hand to pray to God. House at left is taken from
the backyard.
Sports Supplies by Regan
I want to personally thank Regan, my old friend, for collecting shoes and other sports materials. She has been a good help in sports ministry and for Church Boys Kathmandu. Regan was in Nepal in 2009 and I do really appreciate for your contribution. Thank you Regan, you have reduce our burden.
And also to Rodger Oswald, for your help in sports ministry.
Sub Annual Conference in Ramechap
We had a good Pastor's meeting in Gelu in Ramechap, it was a good time of refreshing and encouragement. Pastors ministry reports really motivated me to serve God furthermore. The challenge they face, their everyday need, and the victory they get from the lord is really wonderful. Please remember our Pastors and leaders in your prayer. They are head of the congregation and ministry, and they are:
Bible Distribution in Kathmandu
had Bible Distribution program in August where more than 300 needy
people came for their free copy of English Bibles. We put small amount
of money on good Bibles which they were happy to pay for. We receive the
request for Bibles by phone, by email, by facebook and through personal
contacts. This ministry has blessed thousands of lives in Kathmandu
and else where in Nepal. There is rapid growth of Christians in Nepal
and more Bibles are needed.
One political leader said recently that there is more than 2.5 million Christian in Nepal and these numbers just grew within last ten years. National Census Reports 2012 tells that Nepal has population of 26.49 Million people.
Church Building in Gelu in Ramechap
Nepali district like Sindhupalchowk and Ramechap has the high rate of social discrimination. New converts do not mix with other family groups because of caste system. They still believe on 'untouchable'. In this situation only means to gather them for Church service is a mutual place, a separate house for worship. That is why we are building a small cottage for congregation in Gelu and it needs your support. We need to pray for God's grace in Nepal.
Football Outreach in India
Our football team of sports ministry, to which our ministry supports, went to India to participate in game and we proclaimed the gospel of Jesus Christ there. Football is playing vital part in making platform to share the gospel. Everywhere we go with the football team, people just ask many questions about Jesus Christ, which eventually turns into a Nicodemus conversation. TVs, Radios, News Papers, Internet all just speaks about our faith. Praise the Lord.
Youth Meeting in Kathmandu and the Church growth
I just learn that if we trust youth in the church and give them direction and opportunity, they will do ministry more then you expect of them. I did the same and they do the wonderful works for the Lord. They are united, there is fuel in the service, worship is good, good music and congregation learn new songs. Its a kind of revival when all come into one mind in fellowship. We had a youth meeting and it was really awesome. Most importantly, fruit of the youth ministry is many new souls coming to the Church. Church is becoming smaller and smaller, we have to move, to some bigger place. Thanks to the youth. In 2014 we will have a new place where 200-300 people would worship the Lord together.
We are so excited. But we need to pray for Apostolic faith and fellowship.
Soloman and Khamba Singh laid sick
Soloman suffered Appendicitis and was rushed to the hospital for surgery. A thumb size flesh had to be cut off and removed from Appendix. If it was delayed for some hours, he could be in real danger. But praise God nothing unwanted happen. I want to appreciate all friends and partners for remembering him in prayer. Soloman is great help in the ministry.
In another incident, one of our Pastor, Khamba Sing, became very sick, his one side body was paralyzed and could not move. Doctor said it was due to damage in brain. He could hardly talk now and moves with the help of staff. We need to pray for his complete recovery.
When believers become sick, Pastor go there to pray and comfort. But when Pastor himself become sick, what shall we do? Pastors/Shepherd are sent by God so let us pray and care for them.
Bible College in Kathmandu
had a most blessed Bible School ever. All students were very much
excited to be there to learn the word of God. They worship together,
participated in workshop, danced in worship, and they even learn how to
write email. Bible College is developing new leaders for the harvest
field. Some time we are left alone to do this important task. We run out
of money and no body to help us. So we were forced to reduce the
duration of the school from 40 days to 30 days at first, but we could
not even provide food for 30 days, so we cut it to 2 weeks.
We will be going to outreach with same students to new place to tell people about Jesus Christ. Some people groups have not heard the gospel, we want to go and tell them.
Big achievement in football
We were able to win the finale in two places, in Damak and in Duhabi. Our football team is not professional and we just do it to proclaim the message of the cross. Our Church team lifted the prestigious two trophies with cash, medals, and certificate. It is good to be honored in public. I become happy when a Christian person becomes a public figure in the society. Everywhere we go people just talk about Jesus. People paid money to watch our game. The name of our team, Church Boys United' was all over the internet, radios, tvs and newspapers. Christian people from all over Nepal were very glad to see that a Church team became the champion. Sport is one of the unreached field for the gospel and we want to go there. People hear about the Church involving in the social development. We are impacting the youth with the gospel of Jesus Christ through the mediums of sport. Youth wants to know more about what we believe.
Christians are raising everywhere. Its time to take Nepal for Jesus.
Upcoming programs
Church in Kathmandu
We have rented a land and are trying to build a temporary building to accommodate more people for worship and for Bible Training and seminars. This is not what we want but this is what situation requires. Please do pray for unity in work to build the temporary worship center so that we could worship the lord together.
Orphanage in Urlabari
I am right now in Urlabari where we are building the orphanage. Your continued support and prayer is needed. We could work here because of your prayer and support and we are very thankful for every dollar and rupees you donate. If you have not please consider doing this today. Your reward in heaven will be great. When you give to the poor, you actually giving this to the Lord. We would love to hear from you. Orphans need your help.
Film Show in Sindhupalchowk
We are taking a outreach team with Jesus film to unreached place and people groups in northern Nepal. Please pray and support our evangelism effort. We know that gospel must be preached to all nations, but it will only be possibly when we go and tell them. I want to take a team of students that were in Bible College. I promised them that I will take them to outreach.Outreach is second phase of the training. So please pray for fund for outreach, and boldness to share the gospel in unreached places.
New red T-shirts for soccer
My football team needs new set of T-shirt for the football games. In T-shirts there will be word of God written on it. So people will see the message of the gospel in T-shirts in TVs, News, Internet. If anyone wants to donate toward the T-shirt please do so quickly.
Nepal Election
Please pray for Nepal election on November 22, that it will be peaceful. There are unsatisfied groups that don't want to see election happen and they are the ones to call blockade during the election. We are in village and we don't want to get stock here. Most importantly that people would not be harmed.
I want to thank you so much for you faithful prayer and support and for your encouragement. It is not that my mind are never distracted, it does, but I always put my trust in God and I remember how much you love me by sending your support, so I try my best to remain loyal to God our Father and responsible person for the gospel. My country Nepal needs Jesus Christ and we can change this nation for Jesus together with you. My report is not finish; I will send links of album related to this ministry report. I need to go to Dungdunge to work for the disadvantage Children. God is good, now they have school and learning about God. Please remember us in your prayer.
Unworthy servant of a loving God
Reuben Rai
Now at Urlabari in east Nepal

Love and greeting to you, and to your loved ones, in the most precious name of our Lord savior Jesus Christ. I really wanted to compose ministry reports to send to you but I enjoyed spending more time serving God and His people. I am here to share what happen in past couple of months. I pray that this report will be a blessing to you as you read.
Sana Tara Community School
Dungdunge School which they call now, Sana Tara (Small Star) Community School is running with more than 30 kids. We had a long time desire to have a school for poor children in Dungdunge and finally there is a building and three teachers. There are some few friends who stood behind us and encouraged us to have a school and we shared the need of the School with them, they help us carry the stones, sands, wood, cement and brick and other school supplies and other just supported us by donation and by providing the clothes. I say that this is a love in action. Love thy neighbor as thau love thyself.
We need volunteering teams to come and help us work in this school. They can come for one week, two or for a month. Some school photos can be found in you can have a look.
Orphanage in Urlabari
Some time work is slow and don't come to your expectation. Sometime, lack of sufficient fund, workers holidays and not finding item on right time causes work to slow. But orphanage has come to a shape and we are happy and we want to bring orphans. They
Sports Supplies by Regan
I want to personally thank Regan, my old friend, for collecting shoes and other sports materials. She has been a good help in sports ministry and for Church Boys Kathmandu. Regan was in Nepal in 2009 and I do really appreciate for your contribution. Thank you Regan, you have reduce our burden.
And also to Rodger Oswald, for your help in sports ministry.
Sub Annual Conference in Ramechap
We had a good Pastor's meeting in Gelu in Ramechap, it was a good time of refreshing and encouragement. Pastors ministry reports really motivated me to serve God furthermore. The challenge they face, their everyday need, and the victory they get from the lord is really wonderful. Please remember our Pastors and leaders in your prayer. They are head of the congregation and ministry, and they are:
- Reuben Rai
- Purna Kumar Rai
- Bishnu Moktan
- Sudip Praja
- Pratap Lal Mukhia
- Khamba Sing Rai
- Pratap Praja
- Chitra Praja
- Padam Bahadur Rai
- Pradip Rai
- Sukraman Praja
- Pratap Tamang
- Soloman Rai
- Pradip Rai
- Suraj Moktan
Bible Distribution in Kathmandu
One political leader said recently that there is more than 2.5 million Christian in Nepal and these numbers just grew within last ten years. National Census Reports 2012 tells that Nepal has population of 26.49 Million people.
Church Building in Gelu in Ramechap
Nepali district like Sindhupalchowk and Ramechap has the high rate of social discrimination. New converts do not mix with other family groups because of caste system. They still believe on 'untouchable'. In this situation only means to gather them for Church service is a mutual place, a separate house for worship. That is why we are building a small cottage for congregation in Gelu and it needs your support. We need to pray for God's grace in Nepal.
Football Outreach in India
Our football team of sports ministry, to which our ministry supports, went to India to participate in game and we proclaimed the gospel of Jesus Christ there. Football is playing vital part in making platform to share the gospel. Everywhere we go with the football team, people just ask many questions about Jesus Christ, which eventually turns into a Nicodemus conversation. TVs, Radios, News Papers, Internet all just speaks about our faith. Praise the Lord.
Youth Meeting in Kathmandu and the Church growth
I just learn that if we trust youth in the church and give them direction and opportunity, they will do ministry more then you expect of them. I did the same and they do the wonderful works for the Lord. They are united, there is fuel in the service, worship is good, good music and congregation learn new songs. Its a kind of revival when all come into one mind in fellowship. We had a youth meeting and it was really awesome. Most importantly, fruit of the youth ministry is many new souls coming to the Church. Church is becoming smaller and smaller, we have to move, to some bigger place. Thanks to the youth. In 2014 we will have a new place where 200-300 people would worship the Lord together.
Soloman and Khamba Singh laid sick
Soloman suffered Appendicitis and was rushed to the hospital for surgery. A thumb size flesh had to be cut off and removed from Appendix. If it was delayed for some hours, he could be in real danger. But praise God nothing unwanted happen. I want to appreciate all friends and partners for remembering him in prayer. Soloman is great help in the ministry.
In another incident, one of our Pastor, Khamba Sing, became very sick, his one side body was paralyzed and could not move. Doctor said it was due to damage in brain. He could hardly talk now and moves with the help of staff. We need to pray for his complete recovery.
When believers become sick, Pastor go there to pray and comfort. But when Pastor himself become sick, what shall we do? Pastors/Shepherd are sent by God so let us pray and care for them.
Bible College in Kathmandu
We will be going to outreach with same students to new place to tell people about Jesus Christ. Some people groups have not heard the gospel, we want to go and tell them.
Big achievement in football
We were able to win the finale in two places, in Damak and in Duhabi. Our football team is not professional and we just do it to proclaim the message of the cross. Our Church team lifted the prestigious two trophies with cash, medals, and certificate. It is good to be honored in public. I become happy when a Christian person becomes a public figure in the society. Everywhere we go people just talk about Jesus. People paid money to watch our game. The name of our team, Church Boys United' was all over the internet, radios, tvs and newspapers. Christian people from all over Nepal were very glad to see that a Church team became the champion. Sport is one of the unreached field for the gospel and we want to go there. People hear about the Church involving in the social development. We are impacting the youth with the gospel of Jesus Christ through the mediums of sport. Youth wants to know more about what we believe.
Upcoming programs
Church in Kathmandu
We have rented a land and are trying to build a temporary building to accommodate more people for worship and for Bible Training and seminars. This is not what we want but this is what situation requires. Please do pray for unity in work to build the temporary worship center so that we could worship the lord together.
Orphanage in Urlabari
I am right now in Urlabari where we are building the orphanage. Your continued support and prayer is needed. We could work here because of your prayer and support and we are very thankful for every dollar and rupees you donate. If you have not please consider doing this today. Your reward in heaven will be great. When you give to the poor, you actually giving this to the Lord. We would love to hear from you. Orphans need your help.
Film Show in Sindhupalchowk
We are taking a outreach team with Jesus film to unreached place and people groups in northern Nepal. Please pray and support our evangelism effort. We know that gospel must be preached to all nations, but it will only be possibly when we go and tell them. I want to take a team of students that were in Bible College. I promised them that I will take them to outreach.Outreach is second phase of the training. So please pray for fund for outreach, and boldness to share the gospel in unreached places.
New red T-shirts for soccer
My football team needs new set of T-shirt for the football games. In T-shirts there will be word of God written on it. So people will see the message of the gospel in T-shirts in TVs, News, Internet. If anyone wants to donate toward the T-shirt please do so quickly.
Nepal Election
Please pray for Nepal election on November 22, that it will be peaceful. There are unsatisfied groups that don't want to see election happen and they are the ones to call blockade during the election. We are in village and we don't want to get stock here. Most importantly that people would not be harmed.
I want to thank you so much for you faithful prayer and support and for your encouragement. It is not that my mind are never distracted, it does, but I always put my trust in God and I remember how much you love me by sending your support, so I try my best to remain loyal to God our Father and responsible person for the gospel. My country Nepal needs Jesus Christ and we can change this nation for Jesus together with you. My report is not finish; I will send links of album related to this ministry report. I need to go to Dungdunge to work for the disadvantage Children. God is good, now they have school and learning about God. Please remember us in your prayer.
Unworthy servant of a loving God
Reuben Rai
Now at Urlabari in east Nepal
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