My Dear Friend
How are you? I bring you the report of what we are doing in Nepal. Thank you for your prayer and financial support and thank you for being a partner of the gospel in Nepal with us. Thank you for making it possible for us to go around Nepal and do ministry and encourage brothers and sisters in the Lord.
New Church in Barhabise,
I had a privilege to inaugurate the Church in March in Barhabise, north of Kathmandu. They were around 25 disciples and they gather in the house at the bank of the River. Church Boys had the good gospel music team. Pastor is Baburam from Khasa in Tibet. We met Baburam in Tibet and he is very excited in the Lord's work. I have seen the need of Bible School for these Church believers. So our next project would be to train disciples in this church to do the ministry. Name of the Church is El-Elohim Universal Church.
Gospel in Mugu
Bigyan one of our brothers whom we support made a mission trip to Mugu in far west of Nepal. All means of reaching this unreached place is by walking number of days otherwise flying by plane. This vast land is without gospel and few believers who live there do not have Bibles. In Mugu, 1 US dollar buys 3 eggs and 1kg chicken meat is 15 US dollar. So our next program for this place is to distribute Bibles in Mugu free of Charge. This place is famous for death of little children just because they do not have medicine when they have diarrhea.
Disciples hungry for the word of God in Tibet borders
In some parts of Nepal, disciple only gather when you provide food and travel allowance. In Tatopani, youth gather in
their expenses but we provided the food. Most evangelist and missionary are willing to serve God in city and town; they are not willing to climb High Mountain even though they can. People live there and want to hear God's word. For some people it is new thing to come to a big gathering. Most people we met, they requested us to visit their village and organize programs. They are hungry to receive the word of God.
Gospel Cencert in KatariSalman, Pradip, Bikram and other youth organized gospel concert in Katari in Sagarmatha zone in February and in Sitalu in east Nepal in March. Salman and Pradip are our film ministry staff and they are always willing to carry heavy film equipment like power generator, sound box, mixture and suffer for the gospel. They say that we do this not for money but because we love people and we want to share the gospel.
In Katari, when they were preparing to return, they didn't had any money for a cup of tea and no money for Bus fare. And it was very long way to reach home. So they sold some of their film CDs and made money for bus fare. These boys deserve our consideration. Their labor has brought fruits in everywhere they go. They crossed 30 and they have forgetten to get married. In Nepal usually girl and boy get married before 24 or 25.
School Building in DungdungeI personally want to thank all who have made a contribution for the building and running of the school in Dungunge in Nepal. We want to give education to poor children who are not able to go to school just because it is very far from their house. There is also big river on their way.
Program in Kohalpur in west NepalWe made a visit to west Nepal and it was so good to be there. We met some disciples there. People in west Nepal need to hear the gospel. There are only few churches and they do not have Bibles. We would like to strengthen this little church so that it would become a big rock. Many have called us to come to their village and share the gospel with films and others. Beat the Iron when it is hot. Grab the opportunity because door is wide open and we have a Macedonian Call. Harvest is ready for gathering.
Sleeping in the dust floor in Makwanpur
From Kohalpur, we made a night bus trip to Makwanpur and it nearly took us 24 hours in bus and in walk. There were so many types of people in the bus. All the world was in it. There was vomit, some peed from the windows, other slept on the middle, others were still drinking, and some guys uttered horrible words, big loud music. And it was all in the bus. But there is a simple solution to all these problem. Close your eyes and put ear plug. I did that. Next day, after two hour of Bus drive through the river. I am happy to bring a bilster at my back from the bumping.
We had a good conference. Everyone danced in the loud gospel song. Locals cooked food and put it in Rice Sack I guess there was not a big pot. Never seen that before. Rice was shared with a or two piece of pork meat in the Tapari (food plate made out of tree leaf). All the fat in meat was cooked too. Small to the adult and old, from 12 year old married girl to dumb old, set in line in the open dusty windy field and ate together happily. A girl who was 14 and pregnant at my last visit had a baby. Oh my God, what a progress these people are making. There is still more news. There was no electricity and the bathroom was out in the jungle. At night it was no way out going there. Sukraman told me that his goat was eaten by Tiger four months ago from the lower field. There were no bed, a thin plastic floor and we slept on it. I went to check on how others were sleeping. What on earth is I am seeing this. They were sleeping in the thin rain plastic. I asked them, do you not feel hard and hurt on the muddy floor? And they said, we have been sleeping like this from the child.
Children without clothes, food and school in MakwanpurChildren in the district of Makwanpur live a desparete need of basic need life clothes, food and education. If we could change our home and village, we can change our society; if we can then change society we will change our nation. There are thousands and millions of children who need our support. We cannot work for all of them. But we can change a life at a time. That is what I believe. I give attention to the need of the Children. We can't give everything to them but we can give something to them. These are some photos but there are many photos in link behind the photo. So please click it.
An orphan girl in MakwanpurWe found that there is a girl in Makwanpur that we found who do not have father and mother and living in relative house. She is worthy of our consideration atleast for cloths, education and shelter. Anyone who in your circle who wish to sponsors her by providing 25 dollar a month can ask me for more information.
Youth conference in Tatopani in Nepal Tibet borderAround 200 youth gathered in Youth Conference in Hindi Church in Nepal Tibet border and were blessed with fresh teaching and the worship songs. We also provided them special BBQ treat to the workers at night. We gave away Bibles to the youth. We also heard heart touching testimonies, drama, special songs and skids. Youth were encouraged in their heart.
Ministry in Gelu Church in RamechapSix event took place in Church in Gelu in our recent visit, Lord supper after one year, Baptism of 84 year old man, testimony of boy who was raised from the death, film show, prayer of demon possessed girl, and salvation of 5 souls.
We gave Lord Supper after one year. Pastor is not ordained yet so we had to give lord supper. It is not because we don't want to ordain and appoint. We would like Pastor to organize lord supper in their local Church but since leaders are new and not ordain they are unwilling to do this. Some time ago a Christian claimed saying that he is a Pastor but actually he was not. In another incident Pastor had two wives and still organizing church programs. In order to prevent this type of bad system happening in the churches we want to know more about the life and call of the Pastor and leader. But we are encouraging the Pastors to go through the qualifications process of Pastors, Deacons and elders from the Bible but to do this they need to come to the Bible School. Please pray for the Pastors of Nepal.
But in Gelu itself, there was an eighty four year old man who wanted desperately to be baptized. There was not enough running water, so we look for big pot where we can baptize him. There was no bus that time to take him to the river which was two hour in Bus. Water will be everywhere in rainy season but it is not practical for us to come to this village from Kathmandu just to baptise him. And it was a health problem for him to baptize him in cold water because of his age. He asked me so many questions like who would bury me after I die because there was no ordain pastor. Who would organize marriage ceremony, child dedications, baptism, lord supper, funeral, adultery case, church division case and so many other questions. This old man was a community president and he has a very large relative group but at the age of 84 he felt the need of Jesus in his life. For healthy people it is just an hour distance to his house from the church, but he walked 6 hours to reach where we were to ask so many questions and for baptism. We didn't know this before. So we leaders decided to pour warm water from his head and baptized him. This was the first time we ever did pouring water for baptism. I was not so willing but I did it in the middle of many questions. Please tell me did I do right? Or wrong.
We also met the boy who was raised from the dead, his name is Kedar. I interviewed him and his mother what has happen. I have put that video in YouTube also. He was unconscious for more than 48 hours. So they heard that if someone who is Christian can pray then their boy would be healed. So after a prayer of eloquent believer boy began to move and eat. Kedar family accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and savior. There is more in video.
There was film show in show in Gelu and many people even from far came to watch Jesus Film. Mostly they were women who were interested to know more about Jesus. There were also film show program in Katari, and Remote Mountain in Udaipur and in Pathari. So people are hearing the gospel in all around Nepal. Thank you for your partnership in the gospel.
There was a new girl married and brought to this village in Gelu. When demon comes to her she began to perform the act of Kali and Durga, Hindu goddess. Two to three time demons used to come on her body and she becomes uncontrollable, beating people, biting people, throwing every things that comes in her ways. Her husband was very concern for her because they were newly married. When they hear that if they prayed she would be ok. Her name is Sarita please pray for her complete recovery.
So because of miracle, healing, and gospel program five people accepted Jesus Christ in Gelu in Ramechap. Your prayer and support are really appreciated. Thank you for becoming a partner with us.
Sports Ministry and Club participation
I have been contributing my time and money for the sports ministry. I have led many youth to Jesus Christ through the medium of sport. Some time I do not feel like going after sports, but this is the only ministry in my life that has brought many young people to the Lord. It has given me exposure to the outside world which has made me so easy to tell others about Jesus Christ. Many people in the sporting field know me as a ambassador to the sports world. So please pray for our Church Boys football team which is participating in football game in Kathmandu. I do regularly share the gospel to them.
Bible School in JuneWe are planning to have Bible School in June. Please pray for the sufficient fund for food, T-shirt, computer things and others. Thank you for being a part of the leadership development program in Nepal. Please wrap some Bibles and send to us so that student can use it to find Bible verses and stories.
Computer training for PastorsWe also need some Laptops, new and used ones, no problem. But it should work properly. We would like to teach our Pastors how to read and write emails.
Thank you so much for your prayer and support. All the reports of ministry you hear from us is because of your prayer and support.
Your brother and Partner in Nepal
I want you to do one thing in this report. I made this report in my busy schedule. There may be many mistakes so please comment me if there is anything to correct.
Thank you so much.
How are you? I bring you the report of what we are doing in Nepal. Thank you for your prayer and financial support and thank you for being a partner of the gospel in Nepal with us. Thank you for making it possible for us to go around Nepal and do ministry and encourage brothers and sisters in the Lord.
New Church in Barhabise,
Gospel in Mugu
Bigyan one of our brothers whom we support made a mission trip to Mugu in far west of Nepal. All means of reaching this unreached place is by walking number of days otherwise flying by plane. This vast land is without gospel and few believers who live there do not have Bibles. In Mugu, 1 US dollar buys 3 eggs and 1kg chicken meat is 15 US dollar. So our next program for this place is to distribute Bibles in Mugu free of Charge. This place is famous for death of little children just because they do not have medicine when they have diarrhea.
Disciples hungry for the word of God in Tibet borders
In some parts of Nepal, disciple only gather when you provide food and travel allowance. In Tatopani, youth gather in
Gospel Cencert in KatariSalman, Pradip, Bikram and other youth organized gospel concert in Katari in Sagarmatha zone in February and in Sitalu in east Nepal in March. Salman and Pradip are our film ministry staff and they are always willing to carry heavy film equipment like power generator, sound box, mixture and suffer for the gospel. They say that we do this not for money but because we love people and we want to share the gospel.
In Katari, when they were preparing to return, they didn't had any money for a cup of tea and no money for Bus fare. And it was very long way to reach home. So they sold some of their film CDs and made money for bus fare. These boys deserve our consideration. Their labor has brought fruits in everywhere they go. They crossed 30 and they have forgetten to get married. In Nepal usually girl and boy get married before 24 or 25.
School Building in DungdungeI personally want to thank all who have made a contribution for the building and running of the school in Dungunge in Nepal. We want to give education to poor children who are not able to go to school just because it is very far from their house. There is also big river on their way.
Program in Kohalpur in west NepalWe made a visit to west Nepal and it was so good to be there. We met some disciples there. People in west Nepal need to hear the gospel. There are only few churches and they do not have Bibles. We would like to strengthen this little church so that it would become a big rock. Many have called us to come to their village and share the gospel with films and others. Beat the Iron when it is hot. Grab the opportunity because door is wide open and we have a Macedonian Call. Harvest is ready for gathering.
Sleeping in the dust floor in Makwanpur
We had a good conference. Everyone danced in the loud gospel song. Locals cooked food and put it in Rice Sack I guess there was not a big pot. Never seen that before. Rice was shared with a or two piece of pork meat in the Tapari (food plate made out of tree leaf). All the fat in meat was cooked too. Small to the adult and old, from 12 year old married girl to dumb old, set in line in the open dusty windy field and ate together happily. A girl who was 14 and pregnant at my last visit had a baby. Oh my God, what a progress these people are making. There is still more news. There was no electricity and the bathroom was out in the jungle. At night it was no way out going there. Sukraman told me that his goat was eaten by Tiger four months ago from the lower field. There were no bed, a thin plastic floor and we slept on it. I went to check on how others were sleeping. What on earth is I am seeing this. They were sleeping in the thin rain plastic. I asked them, do you not feel hard and hurt on the muddy floor? And they said, we have been sleeping like this from the child.
An orphan girl in MakwanpurWe found that there is a girl in Makwanpur that we found who do not have father and mother and living in relative house. She is worthy of our consideration atleast for cloths, education and shelter. Anyone who in your circle who wish to sponsors her by providing 25 dollar a month can ask me for more information.
Youth conference in Tatopani in Nepal Tibet borderAround 200 youth gathered in Youth Conference in Hindi Church in Nepal Tibet border and were blessed with fresh teaching and the worship songs. We also provided them special BBQ treat to the workers at night. We gave away Bibles to the youth. We also heard heart touching testimonies, drama, special songs and skids. Youth were encouraged in their heart.
Ministry in Gelu Church in RamechapSix event took place in Church in Gelu in our recent visit, Lord supper after one year, Baptism of 84 year old man, testimony of boy who was raised from the death, film show, prayer of demon possessed girl, and salvation of 5 souls.
We gave Lord Supper after one year. Pastor is not ordained yet so we had to give lord supper. It is not because we don't want to ordain and appoint. We would like Pastor to organize lord supper in their local Church but since leaders are new and not ordain they are unwilling to do this. Some time ago a Christian claimed saying that he is a Pastor but actually he was not. In another incident Pastor had two wives and still organizing church programs. In order to prevent this type of bad system happening in the churches we want to know more about the life and call of the Pastor and leader. But we are encouraging the Pastors to go through the qualifications process of Pastors, Deacons and elders from the Bible but to do this they need to come to the Bible School. Please pray for the Pastors of Nepal.
But in Gelu itself, there was an eighty four year old man who wanted desperately to be baptized. There was not enough running water, so we look for big pot where we can baptize him. There was no bus that time to take him to the river which was two hour in Bus. Water will be everywhere in rainy season but it is not practical for us to come to this village from Kathmandu just to baptise him. And it was a health problem for him to baptize him in cold water because of his age. He asked me so many questions like who would bury me after I die because there was no ordain pastor. Who would organize marriage ceremony, child dedications, baptism, lord supper, funeral, adultery case, church division case and so many other questions. This old man was a community president and he has a very large relative group but at the age of 84 he felt the need of Jesus in his life. For healthy people it is just an hour distance to his house from the church, but he walked 6 hours to reach where we were to ask so many questions and for baptism. We didn't know this before. So we leaders decided to pour warm water from his head and baptized him. This was the first time we ever did pouring water for baptism. I was not so willing but I did it in the middle of many questions. Please tell me did I do right? Or wrong.
We also met the boy who was raised from the dead, his name is Kedar. I interviewed him and his mother what has happen. I have put that video in YouTube also. He was unconscious for more than 48 hours. So they heard that if someone who is Christian can pray then their boy would be healed. So after a prayer of eloquent believer boy began to move and eat. Kedar family accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and savior. There is more in video.
There was a new girl married and brought to this village in Gelu. When demon comes to her she began to perform the act of Kali and Durga, Hindu goddess. Two to three time demons used to come on her body and she becomes uncontrollable, beating people, biting people, throwing every things that comes in her ways. Her husband was very concern for her because they were newly married. When they hear that if they prayed she would be ok. Her name is Sarita please pray for her complete recovery.
So because of miracle, healing, and gospel program five people accepted Jesus Christ in Gelu in Ramechap. Your prayer and support are really appreciated. Thank you for becoming a partner with us.
Sports Ministry and Club participation
I have been contributing my time and money for the sports ministry. I have led many youth to Jesus Christ through the medium of sport. Some time I do not feel like going after sports, but this is the only ministry in my life that has brought many young people to the Lord. It has given me exposure to the outside world which has made me so easy to tell others about Jesus Christ. Many people in the sporting field know me as a ambassador to the sports world. So please pray for our Church Boys football team which is participating in football game in Kathmandu. I do regularly share the gospel to them.
Bible School in JuneWe are planning to have Bible School in June. Please pray for the sufficient fund for food, T-shirt, computer things and others. Thank you for being a part of the leadership development program in Nepal. Please wrap some Bibles and send to us so that student can use it to find Bible verses and stories.
Computer training for PastorsWe also need some Laptops, new and used ones, no problem. But it should work properly. We would like to teach our Pastors how to read and write emails.
Thank you so much for your prayer and support. All the reports of ministry you hear from us is because of your prayer and support.
Your brother and Partner in Nepal
I want you to do one thing in this report. I made this report in my busy schedule. There may be many mistakes so please comment me if there is anything to correct.
Thank you so much.
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