Thursday, July 5, 2012

Bible School in Nepal/Your prayer needed

Dear Friend

Before I send my monthly report, I want to send this very important request for prayer for Bible School 2012 so that you can share this to other friends around you that are interested to lift this school in prayer.
I believe that the Lord has called me to encourage leaders and to train and equip new leaders for the gospel. The greatest call I received from the Lord is from Mathew 28:19, therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit. And to open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, Acts 26: 18.

My nation Nepal needs Jesus. In this nation 97% people that are approximately 29 million people do not know Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and savior. Harvest is ready in Nepal, but laborers are few. No one will hear the gospel unless someone sends them. We do a great work together for our God. Nepal does not need many denominations it just needs messenger of the gospel. We can do more together then we can do alone. Today we have more than 16 Churches around Nepal and most of the Churches planted are the result of the preaching of the gospel by the local evangelists who were once in the Bible School.
We are planning to start 6th Bible School in Kathmandu Nepal and we hope to train at least 20 brothers and sisters who would later be in ministry in needed areas. This Bible school will have two phases, first one will be 8 days. We will teach our Pastors and leaders how to take benefit from the computer, email and others. I want to see Pastors serve the Lord in full swing. Then rest of the days we will share with them the word of God. We will Family life, Christian life, Church life, and many other subjects. They need to know all these. I don't know from where to start but I know we should start.
Please consider helping us send more laborers to the harvest field. Help us train more. We admit that we can't do alone. We need you.
Pastor Reuben Rai
Kathmandu Nepal

Basic School 2012
Date: 21 August to 17 September, 2012
Venue: Apostolic Church Balkumari and Home Stay guest House, Kathmandu.
Number of Students: 30 persons.
Approximate Expenses: 246400 Nepali Rupees.
Prayer: Please pray for fund to come in, well being of students, political stability and for the staffs of the school.
Bible School
Bible School 2011 Group Photo

For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength. Phil 4:13.
From "a rented house" in Kathmandu
Phone: +977-97510-02328/ -9851012105
Alternative email: reubenrita@
Skype: reubenrai
Mailing: GPO 8975 EPC 2030, Kathmandu, Nepal
Monthly reports: HERE
Blog: Church in Nepal blog 
Website: Church in Nepal

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