Thursday, December 15, 2011

Ministry of Sports, Bible College, Film Ministry and Tibet Prayer Walk and others

My Dear Friend
Reuben It is always a joy for me to come with ministry report. 2011 is almost over. The days are going so quick and we are becoming older and older. But there are lots of things to do for the gospel. I was trying to make this report on time but I couldn't, because of the involvement in sports ministry, Bible college preparation and film show ministry, I had to always postponed this. But here I come with the reports. Thank you for your prayer and financial support  for the work of ministry in Nepal. We are glad to work together, without your prayer and support we could not have done all this. So let us glorify God together. Let us not forget that it is God who strengthened us to do all these. This report is going to be long but I want you to go through the bottom. It takes not more than ten minute to go to the bottom of it. There are so many things here. They are more than gold. This is not only the words, this is something that really happened in Nepal and you made this possible.
God saved us
Traveling in rain is always difficult. Santa and I were going to east Nepal for football tournament becauseGod saved us in motorbike accident.  Church Boys was participating in prestigious game in Jahada in east Nepal. In the middle of our way in the jungle, we got accident. We were running fast and suddenly we hit the hole in the road and we were out of the motor bike. It was danger accident, motorbike was destroyed but nothing happen to our body. This was miracle. For some time I could not think what had happen. But God protected us. We went to nearby town and repair our motorbike, Rita sent us money from Kathmandu because we did not had money in our pocket, we paid the service bill and we went off again. All my body was paining the next day but I was still riding the bike for 8 hours again. God gave us strength in all situations. I can do every things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me. Thank be to God. I am happy to be alive. Your prayer really worked.
Bible Distribution in Sports Events
Bible Distribution in Nepal There were two biggest soccer games in summer. One was in Jahada and another was in Surunga. In both games, we distributed nearly ten thousand gospel tracts and many copies of Holy Bibles. We play football and share God's love around Nepal. Sports have helped us carry the gospel than any other programs in Nepal. We continue to need gospel tracts and Bibles. Thanks to all who donated bibles and tracts.
Bible College in October November
Thanks to all who prayed for Bible School. There were 12 students and they learn about evangelism, church planting, discipleship, history of church in Nepal and most importantly they also learned how to write emails and make blog. I get emails from my students that they say that we are the only leaders in Nepal that teach others on how to write emails. They say they learn so many things and they were lucky to be chosen in the Bible College. Our leaders who are trained in Bible College are spread all over Nepal and doing awesome work for God. Sick are healed, demons possessed are freed, and people are hearing the gospel and asking Jesus to be their Lord and Savior.Bible College Group Photo Nepal 2011
Students Ministry in Nepal
We added one more ministry in 2011. Students ministry in Nepal. We were praying for some time and God show us that this is the time. We believe that school is the strategic place to spread the gospel in Nepal. If we just use school students to carry out the gospel there is going to be a huge possibility of reaching the families for Jesus. Do you believe this? Shanti Lama is the in charge of the students ministry in Nepal. With this ministry we will equip Christian students
  1. to reach their friends for Jesus,  
  2. organize students conference.
  3. record the data of students,
  4. find out needy students who need support. In near future we will be organizing Students Conference and we need prayer for this.
Film Ministry in Nepal Tibet border
Bible College Class Photo Nepal 2011After long prayer and preparation for film ministry in Nepal Tibet Border Mountain, we really did headed to film showing site. We took two reserved Jeep with equipment. We were all glad to do ministry for Jesus. We purchased most of the food items from Kathmandu.
Film Show in Nagpuge, It was small school volleybalNepal 2011l ground with some steps up. People really enjoyed film. There were some people who were drinking alcohol in nearby small groceries shop and they were not interested at all. But as we began to show film they left their drink and came to watch what Jesus had to say in the film. That was good. People walked about one hour to get to the film. Our local disciples gave away gospel tracts to the people as they went back home. It was near the river and cool air blowing at night. But people watched until the end. Praise God. People are hearing the gospel because of your support.
Film Show in Phaltuk, One morning after breakfast, we hiked to Phaltuk. As we walked through the mountain and jungle, weFilm Ministry in Nepal  saw beautiful scenery of the Himalaya and the surrounding mountains and villages. We took a break, prayed, and enjoyed God's creation. We are happy that God is taking us to new places for spreading the gospel. One that same day, we asked permission with a house there and set up film show in threshing floor which kept space for everyone. It was shivering chilly cold night up in that mountain but everyone watched Good News and the Passion of the Christ in Nepali with patience, including small children. It was almost eleven pm when we finish dinner. Nepali people in the mountain go to bed early as 7PM in the night. But on that day they made it. We stayed at Tamang's house. He was the only Christian in that village and he said that he accepted Jesus Christ as his personal lord and savior just 5 month ago. He said his house has become a haunting house and usually sense spirit and ghost moving in his house. He even showed us scratches of nail in the wall which was very new to me. I had never seen such thing in my life. But I can't ignore because Bible clearly says that Jesus cast out demons. We together prayed for his house and cleanse it in the name of the Lord. I used all the deliverance versus from the Bible Film Ministry Nepal Tibet Border and walked around the house and prayed for it. Since then peace has been reigning in his house. Many people who come to Jesus in Nepal is the result of healing from sickness and deliverance from demon possession.
Film show in Dhan Kumar House, Some time you have to make a special request for people to come and listen to your gospel message. This is 100% true. In Dhan Kumar house, we were invited to show evangelistic film and many people in that village just came without announcement. We presented Nepali evangelistic films and gave away gospel tracts. The seed of the gospel message has been spreading to all the places. Let us pray that these seeds will bring more fruits. Thank you for making this outreach possible. This all happen because of your prayer and support. Your support has made us go around Nepal and share the gospel of Jesus Christ who have never heard the gospel.
Bible Distribution, where ever we went with the film, we always want to bless disciples with the Holy Bibles. TheyBible Distribution with film ministry 2011 ask nothing but the Bibles. They say do you have Bibles? Can you give us a copy of Bible because she/he do not one. Bible is the weapon for the disciple who do not have any leader to tell them what to do next when someone become sick. Do you believe this? People do not have any one to tell them about Jesus. No gospel tract, no Bible, no TVs, no radios, still people seek Jesus. They want him. They walk miles away to find a Church or a believer. People are seeking Jesus when no one is telling them. They just hear that if they pray to Jesus people will get heal. That had caused many to accept Jesus.
Prayer walk in Tibet, It was our long time wish and plan to stay in Tibet. We did that this time. We walked throughout the Tibet land and street and prayed for each house we crossed by. During the night time every one of us prayed for Tibet and for disciples serving God in that land. Disciples in Tibet really need your prayer.
with a Tibetan woman in TibetChrist's disciples in Tibet are going through so many type of test. It is really challenging to keep their faith alive. They can't get together in large number. They are not allowed to keep Bibles in their local language. Authorities come and stay in your prayer group, and ask questions, like when will you be gathering and in whose house? When they attend your service you can't proceed as you plan. This way it is very hard to guide a new disciple to mature faith in teaching him the basic teaching of Christ. We went to small house gathering and they said that we are the first group to visit them in two years. That means no body has gone to this small group for two years to give fellowship to them and to pray for each other. So we really need to pray for disciples in Tibet and pray that they will not lose their faith and zeal for the lord. If you can't water the plant, it will dry out soon. Caring for each other and praying for each other is the heart of Christian growth.In Tibet 2011 Church of America should never say we have no need of Church in Tibet or Nepal. We need each other and we should serve one another.
New Souls
Here are some new souls reports from our leaders.
  • Pratap from Ramechap reports that 4 new persons accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and savior.
  • Purna Kumar told 4 new people accepted Jesus Christ in Dasami.
  • Khamba Sing led RameshLalitRamshari and her daughter in-law Sukmaya, (4 souls) to Jesus.
  • Pratap from Makwanpur emailed me saying that two accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and savior.
  • Sukraman from Makwanpur told two people gave their life to Jesus. 
These are the reports for this hours so far. You might want to consider what we are praying for and our need. We work together as a partner and lift each other as a team. I am just worried about the text here. My English is not so good. And I fear that if my photos in this email is coming through. Some time there is huge space between text and photos.
Orphanage work in Urlabari
We are resuming orphanage work from 26 December. IReady to go for Nepal Tibet Border film ministry will be updating news and photos from the construction site. I want to emphasis that any one who is willing can join with us to help make this dream come true.  Our orphans are waiting for the night to sleep in their bed in their room. FYI, these are the needs of the orphanage,
  1. Brick,
  2. Sand,
  3. Iron rod,
  4. Stone, 
  5. Labor charge,
  6. Other materials. We have 8 orphans and they are scattered. Once house is complete we will bring them all in.
School in Dungdunge
I believe that every responsible Christian should serve God, work for family, help church and volunteer in nation's development. We felt that we as a responsible citizen, we have responsibility towards our community who are poor and needs our help. Here I want to point out on School. We would like to build school as soon as possible so that children of 6 years and above need not to cross river and walk two hour to get to the school. But there is one biggest hindrance. People in this village are poor and they themselves can't build school, neither a bridge in the river. They are looking for generous people and communities who can partner with the school to build and run it. Any one is widely welcomed.  We are voluntarily working in School and you can join with us, even right now. Let us stand together for social change and bring light of education in the dark heart of the disadvantaged, with God's love. For more please go to School in Dungdunge. Let us build this School in Dungdunge for the benefit of little children. 
Thank you so much for your prayer. Our source of encouragement comes from your email, no matter how short is that email, it still uplifts me. We wish you the MERRY CHRISTMAS if you do celebrate. May Joy and Peace fill your house.
This is ministry report of Pastor Reuben Rai and 40 other Church leaders across Nepal.

Prayer walk around the temple in KathmanduFarmer in the mountain with winnowing forkEevery place where you set your foot will be yours that is God's promises to us. Nepali Children in the Mountain Nepal 2011Didi and Bhai in Nepal 2011Cattle shipherd in the mountainBungee Jumping Nepal 2011

I am no body who tells every body about some body who can save any body.
From "a rented house" in Kathmandu
Phone: +977-97510-02328/ -9851012105
Alternative email :
Mailing address for Bibles : GPO 8975 EPC 2030, Kathmandu, Nepal
Monthly reports : HERE
Blog: Church in Nepal blog 
Website : Church in Nepal

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