My Dear Friend
Greeting to you and to your loved ones in the most precious and wonderful name of our Lord savior Jesus Christ.
I bring you the good news of the lord's work in Nepal and I hope it would bring joy in the heart just as it did to ours. Many blessing and grace to you from God our father and our Lord savior Jesus Christ.
New Church Building in Kathmandu

We were able to built a Church for ten years in Kathmandu which can contain 400 people at once. This is not our land, we did not buy it, we hired it. This hall is suitable for Church service, Meeting, Children Camp, Bible College, Conferences and wedding programs. Now we are praying to God that God will add more souls to this Church. We have a place to worship the Lord in Kathmandu.
Urgent support for four orphans

We have Four orphans whose parent died due to Cancer and Liver disease. Two girls and two boys. Their names are Ashika (6) Yashika (8) Yakesh (9) and Saroj (9). We need urgent help for them to admit them to school near the orphanage, buy new uniforms, bag and books, clothes, bed, food and other necessary accessories. Children have disease like boils and malnourished symptoms, they need medical treatment. If you or any one in your circle is interested to support either one or all four orphans, it will be so good.
More orphans will be in home in September.
Sports Ministry

We have a good game and witnessing opportunity in sport in Itahari and other places. It was really good to see Church team play in prestigious tournament. When you pray in public, share the gospel, and talk about Jesus, you do the best evangelism. Where ever Church team go, they become an ambassador for Jesus about whom people talk about.
Small Star Community School

Small Star Community School in Dungdunge in Ilam Nepal has successfully completed first one year operation with 25 students. It is a great joy to see small effort bring change in children lives. We just don't want to educate everybody, we just want to educate some who wants to go higher. Remember without any solid support it is very hard to teach students and maintain school activities. This school needs books, bags, uniforms, furniture and payment to teachers. This school is located in remote place in mountain with no transportation, electricity, market and the people who live there are poor.
Ministry of Purna Kumar in Dasami

Purna Kumar carried the gospel to Dasami for ten years because it was his birth place and he desperately wanted to see people saved. During his initial visit he suffered so much problems in taking the gospel there. People were not friendly and they don't want to listen to the gospel, they don't want to leave their religion and idols. But numerous things happen there, a woman with child was sick and after prayer the baby got healed and the next day many other child and adult line up for prayer for healing. Padam (standing in the middle) accepted Jesus despite his family disagreement, stood firm and were able to lead more than 60 souls to the Lord. A Church was planted in the mountain top because they could not meet in the house for the reason of resistance. Recently, Purna and Padam led 15 new people to the Lord and were baptized. God is at work in Dasami. It's because of your prayer.
Orphanage house and Regular support for orphans

We need regular support for orphans. One child need 1200 US dollar for a year, 100 dollar for a month, for school admission, uniform, books, clothes and medical expenses. Please stand for orphan and show your kindness. Change their future and destiny. Orphans Bio data can be sent upon request only. Currently we have four orphans, two girls and one boy, and they need support for their School. Other orphans are waiting for enrollment in the Orphanage home.
10th years of our ministry
We are celebrating 10 years of ministry in God's hand in January 2015 (2005-2015). It is really so amazing to see so big change in ministry we did to the lord. We are grateful for your continued prayer, encouraging emails and financial support. It is very hard to imagine that we together did it. We do more together then we do alone. Without you we have done nothing. Let us rejoice what God is doing in this Himalayan Country.
Persecution in Nepal
was a blast in Church service in Kathmandu in 2009 where three were
martyr. Christians in Nepal are being squeezed from every side for just
being a Christian. Recently 8 leaders from a mega church in Kathmandu
were held in custody just because they Baptized 40 believers. In other
part of East Nepal, Pastor and his wife were arrested because they held
children in the Church. A Pastor's rented Church in the house in
Kathmandu was threatened to vandalize. Hindu extremist groups are moving
around to restore back Hindu as a state religion which will enforce
laws to prevent conversion. One Hindu religious leader said in the
public that if they don't declare Nepal as a Hindu state they will announce religious war.
There is a growing sense that religious persecution might come to
Nepal. We all need to pray now that God will give us more power to
endure all kinds of hardship when it comes to defend our faith.
Bible College for Pastors
We have scheduled our Bible College for Pastors from 24 September to 2nd November 2014 for 40 days for 40 Leaders across Nepal and possibly from India, in Apostolic Church in Kathmandu. We need 6736$ for only for food. If we don't organize training people won't go, if they don't go, people will not hear the gospel, if they don't hear the gospel they won't be saved. So we need you. Help us win Nepal for Jesus.

Finally, I want to thank you so much for all your prayer and support. What ever you see that happening in Nepal in the ministry, its because of you. So there is no words how thankful we are for you.
Making donation online for mission work in Nepal is very easy now. You can just go to Nepal Church website and use Paypal.
Thank you for all your prayer.
The month of May June July were very tough for me. I did not had enough money to cover up all my family need, ministry need and orphanage building need, as a result could not eat, sleep and concentrate on the ministries I was doing. Most of my days were spent lonely, talking to myself, working alone, thinking of my family and others. Only thing I was able to do was to wait on God for His answer to my need and challenges.
Greeting to you and to your loved ones in the most precious and wonderful name of our Lord savior Jesus Christ.
I bring you the good news of the lord's work in Nepal and I hope it would bring joy in the heart just as it did to ours. Many blessing and grace to you from God our father and our Lord savior Jesus Christ.
New Church Building in Kathmandu
We were able to built a Church for ten years in Kathmandu which can contain 400 people at once. This is not our land, we did not buy it, we hired it. This hall is suitable for Church service, Meeting, Children Camp, Bible College, Conferences and wedding programs. Now we are praying to God that God will add more souls to this Church. We have a place to worship the Lord in Kathmandu.
Urgent support for four orphans
We have Four orphans whose parent died due to Cancer and Liver disease. Two girls and two boys. Their names are Ashika (6) Yashika (8) Yakesh (9) and Saroj (9). We need urgent help for them to admit them to school near the orphanage, buy new uniforms, bag and books, clothes, bed, food and other necessary accessories. Children have disease like boils and malnourished symptoms, they need medical treatment. If you or any one in your circle is interested to support either one or all four orphans, it will be so good.
More orphans will be in home in September.
Sports Ministry
We have a good game and witnessing opportunity in sport in Itahari and other places. It was really good to see Church team play in prestigious tournament. When you pray in public, share the gospel, and talk about Jesus, you do the best evangelism. Where ever Church team go, they become an ambassador for Jesus about whom people talk about.
Small Star Community School
Small Star Community School in Dungdunge in Ilam Nepal has successfully completed first one year operation with 25 students. It is a great joy to see small effort bring change in children lives. We just don't want to educate everybody, we just want to educate some who wants to go higher. Remember without any solid support it is very hard to teach students and maintain school activities. This school needs books, bags, uniforms, furniture and payment to teachers. This school is located in remote place in mountain with no transportation, electricity, market and the people who live there are poor.
Ministry of Purna Kumar in Dasami
Purna Kumar carried the gospel to Dasami for ten years because it was his birth place and he desperately wanted to see people saved. During his initial visit he suffered so much problems in taking the gospel there. People were not friendly and they don't want to listen to the gospel, they don't want to leave their religion and idols. But numerous things happen there, a woman with child was sick and after prayer the baby got healed and the next day many other child and adult line up for prayer for healing. Padam (standing in the middle) accepted Jesus despite his family disagreement, stood firm and were able to lead more than 60 souls to the Lord. A Church was planted in the mountain top because they could not meet in the house for the reason of resistance. Recently, Purna and Padam led 15 new people to the Lord and were baptized. God is at work in Dasami. It's because of your prayer.
Orphanage house and Regular support for orphans
We need regular support for orphans. One child need 1200 US dollar for a year, 100 dollar for a month, for school admission, uniform, books, clothes and medical expenses. Please stand for orphan and show your kindness. Change their future and destiny. Orphans Bio data can be sent upon request only. Currently we have four orphans, two girls and one boy, and they need support for their School. Other orphans are waiting for enrollment in the Orphanage home.
10th years of our ministry
We are celebrating 10 years of ministry in God's hand in January 2015 (2005-2015). It is really so amazing to see so big change in ministry we did to the lord. We are grateful for your continued prayer, encouraging emails and financial support. It is very hard to imagine that we together did it. We do more together then we do alone. Without you we have done nothing. Let us rejoice what God is doing in this Himalayan Country.
Persecution in Nepal
Bible College for Pastors
We have scheduled our Bible College for Pastors from 24 September to 2nd November 2014 for 40 days for 40 Leaders across Nepal and possibly from India, in Apostolic Church in Kathmandu. We need 6736$ for only for food. If we don't organize training people won't go, if they don't go, people will not hear the gospel, if they don't hear the gospel they won't be saved. So we need you. Help us win Nepal for Jesus.
Finally, I want to thank you so much for all your prayer and support. What ever you see that happening in Nepal in the ministry, its because of you. So there is no words how thankful we are for you.
Making donation online for mission work in Nepal is very easy now. You can just go to Nepal Church website and use Paypal.
Thank you for all your prayer.
The month of May June July were very tough for me. I did not had enough money to cover up all my family need, ministry need and orphanage building need, as a result could not eat, sleep and concentrate on the ministries I was doing. Most of my days were spent lonely, talking to myself, working alone, thinking of my family and others. Only thing I was able to do was to wait on God for His answer to my need and challenges.
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