Dear Friend
I bring you the ministry report from June 2011 about an orphan girl in Makwapur, and about the report regarding starting a School for the
poor children in Ilam, and about the orphanage that we are going to build in Urlabari, as well as some of the information for your kind prayer, for our various future programs.
I want to thank you for your precious prayer and financial support for the Lord's work in Nepal. You have played vital role by encouraging and supporting us. Without your support, we would not have been coming to this far. God promised us that 'Give and it shall be given unto you, for with the same measure that ye mete with it shall be measured to you again'. You have given and we believe God will give you more and that the law of the spiritual harvest mention in 2 Corinthian 9 would manifest in your life, in front of your very eye.
Visits to Disciples in Makwanpur, It is always good to visit disciples in their own homes and in their place. We have 5 Churches in Makwanpur which is in the central mountain region. I had a chance to visit all of them this time. Hiking in the mountain with no wind and water in hot summer was very hard. But we had to climb anyhow to reach village. The disciples in village in Makwanpur were so happy to see us again. Every one asked prayer for their life, family and field. Corn they grow in their field is higher than 8 feet. I found that generally no girl crossed the age of 17. They were married before they reached 17. A sign of lack of education.
During same ministry visit, I found one little girl with shabby cloth and unkempt appearance. She was an orphan. This is her photograph. I am going to keep her in orphanage home when house is complete for inhabit where she would be cared for and brought up in education. She will go to school, eat good food, wear good cloth, sleep in bed with mattresses and play with other kids and live happily.
But, during my visit in Makwanpur, I could not sleep very well. My body was bitten by mosquitoes, bed bug and other insects. People there live without their basic needs met. They eat only two items. Rice and Curry with no additives. But they serve God happily.
We stopped by Brother Sujan's Church. The Church was located in strategic place and it is not complete but the Rat has begun to make hole in the wall. He is praying for fund to finish the Church by plastering the floor and wall. Just below the Church in the gorge was a river where we had good time swimming and playing. Yes, when you are sweating and tired, if you find a river you would definitely swimm. We did.
From Sujan Church to Chitra Church the track in the mountain was very dangerous, in the cliff. If you miss your foot step, your body will not be found. This is the everyday life of the disciple in the mountain. Thanks for the Bible School in
2005 in which they attend. They came to Bible School, they evangelized, and they started the Church, now they are pastor and lead many disciples.
In June, we had a meeting in Hindi Church near Tibet border in Tatopani. Prayer was done to many who came, sick were healed and people were overjoyed. Many people came from far. There were number of people then the organizer had expected. But the Church was cracked and leaked water to the church room. You can see photos below in the link.
Some of my friend says I work too much and I travel too much. Yes that's true. I travel too much. But what can I do? I see one thing. Their need is greater than mine. They want to see me come to them. My apartment in Kathmandu is paradise for me. My bed my computer my children my food. My everything is there. But God is first thing in my life. I got to go. I have to do something for God before I die. That's why I travel. I know you want to visit Nepal and share the gospel. You still can do that by sending me. What's I am doing is you doing. Together we can bring a change. Together we can do a great work for our God.

Baptism in Inaruwa, Six new converts were baptized in water in Inaruwa. Pastor Pratap is serving the Lord in Indo-Nepal border. He is leading many new converts to the Lord. He has a need of a bicycle for his ministry. One bicycle cost is only 90 US dollar. He can make a good use of the bicycle in visiting the house churches and going to evangelistic works.
School for disadvantaged children, you know what? I wanted to build a school for poor children in Dung Dunge in Ilam in east Nepal. I was praying and I was thinking for years about this. Now we have begun to start working on School. We are collecting stones and sand from river, cleaning the bush for pitch, digging the line for wall and for foundation, purchasing the roof and cement for plastering and flooring. We as a true disciple of Jesus Christ can share our love by helping others socially. We can trualy become Samaritan to their suffering by helping them and becoming a friend with them.
I want to share little more detail about this village. Dung Dunge is surrounded by river in north and east and by vast Jungle at south and west. They can't grow rice
there because there is no water for the rice field, only they grow is the corn. There is no market where they can sale their product. There is no electricity, no roads, no police post and no internet cafe. There is no school in Dung Dunge. So, children go to school by crossing River and walking two hours to get to the nearest school, with no school bags. Some time they use vehicle's wheel tube to cross other side of the river. It is very hard for kids of 6 ages. Their poor parent can't provide lunch box to their children. When they return they are crying because of hunger and thirst, tired by walking two hour and exhausted. We want to build school so that they don't have to suffer like this. If our little effort will enable them to have good education then we are willing to contribute. If you or someone would like to invest for the lives of these precious ones, please write to me for more information. Let us share our love in action and not just in words.
Help us build orphanage home, there is still a very needy project worthy of your consideration. You know that we have been praying for years for an orphanage. Most of the orpahange in Nepal is run by Hindu person. So the owner of the orphanage force rule to children to abide every one under the rule. That way a children can't pray and attend a Chruch or worship service. Instead they are forced to worship idols. This is not good for Christian children. Let us not fold our hand or put our hand in the pocket. Let us raise our hand to help them.
And, now, we are planning to build an orphanage home starting from July 14. We still need to pay 3300 dollar to clear the land due. Please give special consideration to this project. Without your help we will not complete this. We want to keep orphans, poor children who has not privilege of going to School and widows who are abandoned by their family, in this home. Your small donation would enable us to build a home for poor, orphans and widows who would feel your care and your love in this home. We will not be building many houses, we will just be building one house. So, this is one time request to all my friends.
Please share this to other people that might be interested and thank you for doing so. God bless.
Bible School in September, We are going to start Bible School in September. This is something to remember in your prayer. This year, we will focus on school of internet, evangelism and discipleship. We will teach Pastors and Leaders how to use internet, write email and make blog and others as well as we will teach them on how to evangelize Nepal for Jesus? We will also discuss about starting of short discipleship programs like Basic Training and School for Christian Leaders in their place. We now have above 40 Church Leaders. We together can develop still more leaders for the kingdom of God and we together can do a great work for our God. Amen.
I know that you have been helping us to reach Nepal for Jesus. Your smallest donation and prayer have played the vital part not only in spreading the gospel in Nepal but also to develop many leaders for the harvest. And I want to thank you for this from the bottom of my heart for your generosity. Without your prayer and support we will not be able to continue spreading the gospel from top of the world to all the way around.

Let me tell you one more thing before I close, almost all country in the world, have heard the gospel, but Nepal is still waiting to hear the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ. He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach good news to all creation." NIV.
From Reuben Rai
God's unworthy servant.
Cell Phone : 9779751002328,
Mailings : GPO 8975 EPC 2030, Kathmandu Nepal
Skype : reubenrai
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