Ministry report of December and January February 2014
Kathmandu Nepal
My Dear Friend
Greeting from Nepal. I am sorry I could not write you more often. Lot of changes and ministry around me. Its hard some time to concentrate on particular things. Thank you so much for everything you have done for me and for Nepal. Let us give God all the glory together.
In this report, I put more photos so that you can see what is going on here in Nepal. I believe that photos will explain more then the words do. Once again thank you so much for your kind emails and support. Please read enjoy and give all the glory to the Lord in heaven.

Above Photo: We have been gathering in a small room in Kathmandu since we started the Church in 2004 in Kathmandu Nepal with a handful of members and after nearly ten years later we can't gather together because number of new members grew and the children also increase in number. We prayed to the Lord for hired land to build a temporary place for Church service, Bible College, Seminars, Bible distribution and Pastors meetings. This photo is the beginning stage of our new Church building which we contracted for five years.

Above photo: The new Church in Kathmandu, the group of leaders in the ministry from Bible School, Bible Distribution, Sports Ministry, Orphanage, Home Stay, Jesus Film, School for poor, Translation and others and we are more than 40 leaders from around Nepal serving our Lord Jesus Christ in different places around Nepal. This photo was taken at the last meeting of our 7th Annual Conference in Kathmandu in February.

Above Photo is a group photo from our Annual conference meeting in Kathmandu, thank you to all who have prayed for us and supported us. We are here today because of you. We started the ministry in 2004, from a family in a tiny room in Kathmandu and now we are16 Churches and fellowships all around Nepal with many ministries, it is truly the Lord who is working. We don't take all credit, we share with you too, because they are the result of your partnership with us.

Above photo is a glimpse of our worship time in the new Church in Kathmandu in the Annual conference. We are here because of God's grace and off course because of your prayer. Out of nothing God brought us to this state. These are just the start of the ministry, we have more to do. Thank you Jesus.

Above Photo: The women team in my Church, who provide care and serve guest during the events, the woman in the front is really awesome lady who takes responsibility of feeding every one and is one of our first convert in ministry. The full gown which they are wearing is called SAREE in Nepali. Its look good, is not it?

Above photo: is Rita preaching in village. She often goes with women team to unreached places and to people groups to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. We switch our stay in home some time. Rita is passionate about telling the gospel to other people since she was graduated from the Bible College. How can some one hear the gospel unless some sends them. Read this: But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe on him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless some one tells them?

Above photo: Rita sharing the gospel in indigenous Church in village who have never attended conference or seminary or big gathering. Body of Christ needs encouragement specially if no one is visiting them. Hardly 2% of the total population in Nepal are Christians and many places still unreached for the gospel. I believe that the great commission is still there. Jesus said, Go into all the world and preach the good news to everyone.

Above photo: Rita posing for group photo with tribal Church members in the village of Nepal. Dhimal people in east Nepal wear Petani (black) and the speak their own language (not Nepali) to communicate. There are more then 120 people ethnic groups in Nepal who uses their own mother tongue. Many of them have never heard the gospel yet.

Above photo is during one of our football match in the final. Television was broadcasting live around the country the game we were playing. People are hearing the news about the Christian club participating in the football tournament. Some Hindu people and political parties are demanding that Nepal should be a Hindu state again and ban all sorts of Christian activities in Nepal. We need to pray that Nepal remain secular state for ever and we will have the privilege of going around to tell the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ. Sports is one of them, we are going around the country proclaiming the gospel.

Above photo is from football game held in Itahari in March. We go to any place upon invitation to play football. The organizer committee provides money for our travel, lodging and food. We do distribute Bibles and tracts to local church communities and Church who needs the Bible. Sports is just a medium to reach the community with the good news of Jesus Christ.

Above photo is of the orphanage house in Morang, it is now at the end of the stage, painting on the ground floor is complete. Sliding glasses on the windows still need to be fix and it will be done as soon as the materials are available in the market. We just need is the furniture. Please pray that all the Children that should come here would be chosen by God himself and they be blessed. We also need some volunteer on 3/4/5/6/ month basis. If any one is willing to come they are happily welcomed. All glory to God.

Above Photo is my new Church in Kathmandu. I needed a bigger place because very often we organize Pastors meeting, Bible School, Leadership conferences, Marriage program, Sports Ministry Church, Children Camp, Regional Pastors meeting. I can't hire hotel room all the time for this. I know it is costly but we want to get 'most from it'.

Above photo is me standing in front of my Church in Kathmandu, door is facing eastward and inside this building 400 people can seat together at once, it has one sitting room, one children Sunday school room and a room for the guard at night. It has flower garden, a pool for the fish and the water baptism and parking, two toilet and one shower room. Next year we are celebrating our 10 years of our ministry in Nepal. I am so very much excited. I can't wait to share every bit of thing happen here in Nepal because its all because of your prayer.
God has helped us to build the Church in Kathmandu where 400 people can gather to worship the Lord, this building is temporary because its built on rented land. We do not own the ground. We want to achieve some of our goals while still we are here. We will soon be celebrating and organizing big evangelistic meetings for the leaders who are working in the front line in ministry.
Pastor Reuben Rai
If images in this report do not appear properly, then you might want to check the site directly here: Nepal Ministry 2014 February
Kathmandu Nepal
My Dear Friend
Greeting from Nepal. I am sorry I could not write you more often. Lot of changes and ministry around me. Its hard some time to concentrate on particular things. Thank you so much for everything you have done for me and for Nepal. Let us give God all the glory together.
In this report, I put more photos so that you can see what is going on here in Nepal. I believe that photos will explain more then the words do. Once again thank you so much for your kind emails and support. Please read enjoy and give all the glory to the Lord in heaven.
Above Photo: We have been gathering in a small room in Kathmandu since we started the Church in 2004 in Kathmandu Nepal with a handful of members and after nearly ten years later we can't gather together because number of new members grew and the children also increase in number. We prayed to the Lord for hired land to build a temporary place for Church service, Bible College, Seminars, Bible distribution and Pastors meetings. This photo is the beginning stage of our new Church building which we contracted for five years.
Above photo: The new Church in Kathmandu, the group of leaders in the ministry from Bible School, Bible Distribution, Sports Ministry, Orphanage, Home Stay, Jesus Film, School for poor, Translation and others and we are more than 40 leaders from around Nepal serving our Lord Jesus Christ in different places around Nepal. This photo was taken at the last meeting of our 7th Annual Conference in Kathmandu in February.
Above Photo is a group photo from our Annual conference meeting in Kathmandu, thank you to all who have prayed for us and supported us. We are here today because of you. We started the ministry in 2004, from a family in a tiny room in Kathmandu and now we are16 Churches and fellowships all around Nepal with many ministries, it is truly the Lord who is working. We don't take all credit, we share with you too, because they are the result of your partnership with us.
Above photo is a glimpse of our worship time in the new Church in Kathmandu in the Annual conference. We are here because of God's grace and off course because of your prayer. Out of nothing God brought us to this state. These are just the start of the ministry, we have more to do. Thank you Jesus.
Above Photo: The women team in my Church, who provide care and serve guest during the events, the woman in the front is really awesome lady who takes responsibility of feeding every one and is one of our first convert in ministry. The full gown which they are wearing is called SAREE in Nepali. Its look good, is not it?
Above photo: is Rita preaching in village. She often goes with women team to unreached places and to people groups to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. We switch our stay in home some time. Rita is passionate about telling the gospel to other people since she was graduated from the Bible College. How can some one hear the gospel unless some sends them. Read this: But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe on him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless some one tells them?
Above photo: Rita sharing the gospel in indigenous Church in village who have never attended conference or seminary or big gathering. Body of Christ needs encouragement specially if no one is visiting them. Hardly 2% of the total population in Nepal are Christians and many places still unreached for the gospel. I believe that the great commission is still there. Jesus said, Go into all the world and preach the good news to everyone.
Above photo: Rita posing for group photo with tribal Church members in the village of Nepal. Dhimal people in east Nepal wear Petani (black) and the speak their own language (not Nepali) to communicate. There are more then 120 people ethnic groups in Nepal who uses their own mother tongue. Many of them have never heard the gospel yet.
Above photo is during one of our football match in the final. Television was broadcasting live around the country the game we were playing. People are hearing the news about the Christian club participating in the football tournament. Some Hindu people and political parties are demanding that Nepal should be a Hindu state again and ban all sorts of Christian activities in Nepal. We need to pray that Nepal remain secular state for ever and we will have the privilege of going around to tell the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ. Sports is one of them, we are going around the country proclaiming the gospel.
Above photo is from football game held in Itahari in March. We go to any place upon invitation to play football. The organizer committee provides money for our travel, lodging and food. We do distribute Bibles and tracts to local church communities and Church who needs the Bible. Sports is just a medium to reach the community with the good news of Jesus Christ.
Above photo is of the orphanage house in Morang, it is now at the end of the stage, painting on the ground floor is complete. Sliding glasses on the windows still need to be fix and it will be done as soon as the materials are available in the market. We just need is the furniture. Please pray that all the Children that should come here would be chosen by God himself and they be blessed. We also need some volunteer on 3/4/5/6/ month basis. If any one is willing to come they are happily welcomed. All glory to God.
Above Photo is my new Church in Kathmandu. I needed a bigger place because very often we organize Pastors meeting, Bible School, Leadership conferences, Marriage program, Sports Ministry Church, Children Camp, Regional Pastors meeting. I can't hire hotel room all the time for this. I know it is costly but we want to get 'most from it'.
Above photo is me standing in front of my Church in Kathmandu, door is facing eastward and inside this building 400 people can seat together at once, it has one sitting room, one children Sunday school room and a room for the guard at night. It has flower garden, a pool for the fish and the water baptism and parking, two toilet and one shower room. Next year we are celebrating our 10 years of our ministry in Nepal. I am so very much excited. I can't wait to share every bit of thing happen here in Nepal because its all because of your prayer.
God has helped us to build the Church in Kathmandu where 400 people can gather to worship the Lord, this building is temporary because its built on rented land. We do not own the ground. We want to achieve some of our goals while still we are here. We will soon be celebrating and organizing big evangelistic meetings for the leaders who are working in the front line in ministry.
Pastor Reuben Rai
If images in this report do not appear properly, then you might want to check the site directly here: Nepal Ministry 2014 February